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Right-Wingers Claim Biden Pooped Himself at D-Day Ceremony Because Everything’s So Dumb,


Right-Wingers Claim Biden Pooped Himself at D-Day Ceremony Because Everything’s So Dumb

Right-Wingers Claim Biden Pooped Himself at D-Day Ceremony Because Everything’s So Dumb

President Joe Biden delivered a forceful speech Thursday in France to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landing, warning that “democracy is not guaranteed” and “the price of unchecked tyranny is the blood of the young and the brave.”

MAGA trolls reacted by accusing the president of pooping in his pants.

While many observers’ attention was focused on the president’s address honoring the last living veterans of the invasion of Normandy, the rapid response social media team of the Republican National Committee was instead preoccupied with Biden briefly crouching before taking a seatbriefly crouching before taking a seat.

In a 13-second clip posted to social media, the president is seen shaking hands with French President Emmanuel Macron before turning toward first lady Jill Biden. He then slightly squats down while reaching for something behind him. The brief video ends with an announcer welcoming Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to the stage while Jill Biden appears to whisper something to her husband.

“Awkward,” the RNC Research account captioned the video, alongside a grimacing face emoji.

Pro-Trump influencers and right-wing provocateurs quickly ran wild with the misleadingly edited clip, claiming it was definitive proof that the president had soiled his trousers.

Dave Rubin, the “ex-lefty turned shitposting Trump stan,” wondered whether Biden was “pooping or sitting in an invisible chair,” adding a poop emoji to his tweet to hammer home the message.

Dispensing with Rubin’s “just asking questions” framing, beanie aficionado and far-right podcaster Tim Pool blared “HE POOPED” and “HOLY SHIT” in all caps, claiming that the president needed to quickly leave the ceremony to clean himself up.

Breaking911, a junk news X (formerly Twitter) account that boasts a million followers,formerly Twitter) account that boasts a million followers, helped spread the narrative to the MAGA masses by reposting the clip with the caption: “Did Biden shit his pants AGAIN?” That would appear to be in reference to a baseless 2021 claim that the Vatican had to cancel a livestream of Biden’s meeting with Pope Francis because the president had a “bathroom accident.”

Other prominent right-wing media personalities asserted that “there’s no way Joe is not pooping himself here” and “Biden just pooped his diaper,” much to the delight of their millions of social media fans.

The reality of the situation, though, is far less messy.

A couple of seconds after the clip the RNC shared online ends, the president locates the chair behind him and takes a seat alongside the rest of the contingent on stage. Taken in context, Biden seems neither out of place nor in the midst of a bathroom emergency.

The moment in question starts at the four hour and 16-minute mark in the video below:

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